The 2020 Cross-Border M&A and Private Equity Investment Conference (MUMAC), took place virtually this year.

You can watch the live sessions from the day below:

Opening remarks by Conference Co-Chairs, Dr Nikolaus von Jacobs and Christian von Sydow followed by the Keynote Speech: Coronomics—Impact on the Transactional Landscape by Dr. Daniel Stelter


07:45 – Weak recovery after the financial crisis 

09:29 – The historical development and role of interest rates in the US

11:16 – Economic problems of cheap money

13:51 – The problem of decreasing economic productivity

15:04 – A fragile financial system as the base for the current crisis

16:31 – Problem of asymmetric reaction of central banks

18:06 – Exploding debt levels

19:16 – Financial stability has deteriorated

19:51 – Debt drives asset values and inequality

22:02 – Debt with less impact

22:49 – COVID-19: The mother of all recessions

23:45 – “All-in” of states & central banks

25:30 – No wonder that stock markets go up

27:36 – The Eurozone: A debt-driven boom

30:15 – The Eurozone: How to deal with too much debt?

32:55 – France’ approach to deal with legacy debt in the Euro area

34:45 – Neutralizing debt levels and inflation could work to deal with too much debt

37:28 – No easy solution for the debt crisis

38:26 – Coronomics: Short-term implications

39:20 – Coronomics: Medium-term implications

40:35 – Coronomics: Long-term implications

43:40 – Opportunities for climate distressed assets post-Corona

46:06 – The EU is underestimating the impact of the BREXIT on the fragile system

48:23 – The necessity of a strategic approach to prevent selling European companies to China


Please download the transcripted video here.

M&A and Private Equity Market in 2020 by Dr. Nikolaus von Jacobs, Fritjof Franz, Carsten Hagenbucher, Dr. Philipp Heer, Richard G. Ramsauer and Andre Waßmann


01:30 - Personal experiences on the financial market in the lockdown period  

06:14 - Stronger and weaker sectors in times of COVID-19

09:19 - Price developments during the pandemic

14:20 - The best sectors to invest your money in 2020

17:24 - A changing nature on the market with higher competition

19:20 - Stronger establishment of qualitative measures instead of historic financial figures to evaluate the potential of businesses

21:49 - How investors approach assets in these days

26:49 - How did M&A insurance brokers adapt their offer and services to the changing environment? 

31:22 - The acquisition financing landscape after the first lockdown

36:29 - Why smaller deal will play a larger role in the future

40:29 - The rise of tech companies due to the pandemic


Please download the transcripted video here.

Opportunities in a Distressed Environment Under COVID-19 by Dr. Philip Bacher, Timo Klees, Arndt Geiwitz, Dr.-Ing. Axel Geuer and Jan-Daniel Neumann

Value Preservation and Transaction Tools in Critical Times by Tobias Blaser Michael Gaul, Dr. Sven Oleownik, Markus Schiller and Fabian Wasmus followed by closing remarks by Conference Co-Chairs,  Dr. Nikolaus von Jacobs and Christian von Sydow

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