10th Anniversary: M&A in Pandemic Times

Dear Clients, Friends and Conference Participants,

On September 22, 2020, MuSaC and McDermott together hosted the 10th annual Munich M&A and Private Equity Conference (MuMAC), the first ever by video stream and only during the forenoon—for pandemic reasons—welcoming approximately 450 participants representing financial investors, family offices, operating companies and corporate finance professionals.

The lively discussions and engaged participation of the panelists helped to make this year’s MuMAC a great event. Our keynote speaker and famous economist Dr. Daniel Stelter gave insightful remarks on “Coronomics: Impact on the Transactional Landscape”. The conference saw thought-provoking discussions on the influence of the pandemic on the economic, political, financial and legal developments in the M&A and private equity markets. The topics that were covered included “The M&A and Private Equity Market in 2020,” “Opportunities in a Distressed Environment under COVID-19” and “Value Preservation and Transaction Tools in Critical Times”.

We are very thankful to our co-sponsor PwC, our conference partners Acquinex, AlixPartners, Datasite, Helbling, HWF Partners, SGP Schneider Geiwitz and VTC, our supporters Lincoln and Oaklins and our keynote speaker Dr. Stelter.

We are grateful to our various panel participants for their contributions and discussions, which are described in detail in the following pages. It is remarkable how optimistic many of our panelists are for the future. All embraced the spirit of resilience emblazed on our courtesy face mask “Going the Distance, Together”.

We are happy to confirm that MuMAC will return in 2021, will celebrate its 11th anniversary and will be hosted at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof—hopefully again as an in-person meeting and conference, and possibly simultaneously streamed by video (a hybrid conference) with a stimulating side program on the eve of MuMAC and an evening after the conference at Oktoberfest.

MuMAC 2021 will once again feature detailed and stimulating discussions on developments in the M&A and private equity world, as the experts on the panels will discuss the recent developments and what the future may bring. 

We invite you to note the date and location of next year’s conference, Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof, and look forward to seeing you then. Stay safe and healthy! Until then, if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Conference Co-Chair
+49 89 12712 141


Conference Co-Chair
+49 89 12712 231

M&A Review Special Edition


M&A Review MuMAC 2020

This year's MuMAC special issue of M&A Review focuses on the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the M&A and investment industry.  The feature contains a number of articles by industry experts from our co-sponsors and conference partners, delving into various aspects of cross border M&A during these unprecedented times.








Michael Gaul, Head of Germany and Managing Director at Acquinex; Dr. Sven Oleownik, Partner and Head of Germany at GIMV Germany; Markus Schiller, Head of DACH and CEE at Datasite Germany GmbH; Fabian Wasmus, Partner at Vitruvian; and panel head Tobias Blaser, Partner at PwC Deutschland, discussed value preservation and transaction tools in critical times. First, the panel focused on portfolio management. It emerged from the discussion that, on the one hand, investors are more cautious due to the COVID-19- related uncertainty in the market; on the other hand, they keep an eye out for new investment opportunities arising from the crisis. It became clear that many actors are facing the prevailing uncertainty in the market by strengthening their market position, incorporating add-on business m...
Jan-Daniel Neumann, Managing Director at Bregal Unternehmerkapital; Dr.-Ing. Axel Geuer, Managing Partner at AEQUITA; Timo Klees, Partner at PwC; and Arndt Geiwitz, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Tax Advisor and Managing Partner at SGP Schneider Geiwitz & Partner, together with moderator Dr. Philip Bacher, Senior Director and Member of the Management Board Germany at AlixPartners, discussed the opportunities in a distressed environment under COVID-19. The panelists started off by each giving their take on how the current status of the economy changes their respective professional practice and the prevailing state of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) businesses, especially focusing on an investor’s perspective. Even though the panelists all agreed there was an overall sense of ...
Fritjof Franz, Partner at capiton AG; Carsten Hagenbucher, Partner at Charterhouse Capital Partners; Dr. Philipp Heer, Partner at HWF Partners; Richard G. Ramsauer, Managing Partner at VTC Industriebeteiligungen; and Andre Waßmann, Member of the Executive Board and Head of M&A at Helbling Business Advisors, together with panel head Dr. Nikolaus von Jacobs, Partner at McDermott Will & Emery, discussed the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and private equity market in 2020, especially under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.After a short introduction of each member of this panel, Dr. von Jacobs started by asking the panelists about how they had experienced the first period of the lockdown and the following months.The panelists agreed that during the lockdown period transactions...
Author, macroeconomist and strategy consultant Dr. Daniel Stelter presented this year’s keynote speech to commence MuMAC 2020. He delivered a comprehensive overview on the status of our economy as affected by the current pandemic, as well as trends prevailing before the pandemic and those most effected by the resulting economic crisis.Dr. Stelter insists that before COVID-19 a long-standing financial crisis was not even close to being over and that even in Germany there had been only the impression of having overcome it; all of that in spite of “having the lowest interest rates in 5,000 years.” He believes that the cheap money, especially amid the economic crisis, will eventually lead to serious problems. He continues to expand his estimation and evaluation concerning the status of our cur...


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